Pediatric Physiotherapists are specialists in the area of normal versus abnormal development or delayed development. All children will develop at their own pace but the guidelines are there to warn professionals of potential concerns. Check out the guidelines to see if your baby is on tract for their developmental milestones.
If you have any concerns feel free to contact us! Some things that pediatric physiotherapy can help with are:
delayed motor develpment such as rolling, sitting independently, crawling, pulling up to stand, standing and walking
balance activites such as hopping, jumping, skipping
Some of the treatments my include:
baby positioning techniques for carrying/sleeping
hands on therapy to facilitate each skill
parent education and teaching of exercises to perform
stretching techniques
strengthening exercises
coordination activites like throwing/catching
gross motor skills such as running, jumping
balance activies
motor planning-breaking down more complex skills into their individual parts
If you have private insurance you may be covered for physiotherapy services. Please contact us if you have any concerns. A comprehensive assessment will be done initially to determine if there are concerns and what treatment approach would work best.
